Portfolio Design Instructions
When the Portfolio Design Tool page is initially opened, the “Merlyn’s Model” option is selected and shown in the Model Portfolio Allocations table and all displayed charts. Merlyn’s Model is our example of a well-designed portfolio. In contrast, is the “Old MPT Model” option may be selected to illustrate an example of a traditionally designed portfolio. Both of these portfolios are fixed and may not be edited.
However, you may select the “My Own Model” option and create a custom portfolio for analysis.
My Own Model – Registration
Creating your own model requires creating an account (free registration) so that we can save your creation on our server for you and display it next time you return. Use this Contact Us link to request forgotten password information. The browser will generally keep you logged in. Logging in from a second browser will cause the first one to log out.
Set Portfolio Name and Taxation
Start by setting the Portfolio Name and the taxation assumptions to model. The blue “Taxable Account Info.” button popup explains how taxation effects are modeled by Alpha Daily Brief.
Sleeve Categories
Portfolio Models may contain up to 12 Sleeves, each of which may be (1) blank “---“, (2) a ticker symbol, (3) an underlying AlphaDroid Strategy, or (4) one of our four MAI Indexes. Click a Sleeve Category to view a dropdown list of the underlying AlphaDroid Strategy options for this Sleeve Category. Hover over any Sleeve Category to see a short description of the underlying Strategy options. The last three Sleeve Categories are where the MAI Indexes may be added to your portfolio. After selecting an underlying AlphaDroid Strategy, it will display the currently held symbol. Click the chart icon to view its complete chart. StormGuard-Armor is employed by all underlying Strategies and Indexes.
Model Portfolio Allocations
The 12 Sleeve Category selections you made will be used to create a family of 5 Portfolio Models that differ only by your specified allocations, including Fixed Income, Conservative, Moderate, Growth, and Aggressive. You must specify allocation weights that add up to 100 for the Fixed Income and Aggressive models and it will interpolate (equally space) the other three for you. Click the red “Evaluate Model” button when you are ready to see your Models come to life.